Snapchat is showing creators some love with Snapchat Creator Analytics

Snapchat is showing creators some love with Snapchat Creator Analytics


Snapchat is finally showing some love for influencers by giving them the best St. Valentines surprise ever: Snapchat Creator Analytics.

Snapchat Creator Analytics are available to creators around the world, including tens of thousands of Snapchatters with Official Stories and other creators who have a large following on Snapchat.

snapchat creator analytics

A spotlight on creators

Snapchat's redesign (which upset many Snapchat users) has separated "the social" (friends) from "media" (publishers, celebrities, and creators) moving creators to the right side of the main screen, to the Discover page, reserving what is now a redesigned Chat for friends only.

This move should be seen as positive for creators who previously complained about Snapchat's lack of love for them and even publicly announced that they were leaving the platform. Now that creators' public Snapchat Stories are shown in Discover page, they are recognized as creators by the company and can get more eyeballs on their stories as users see not only the content from the creators they follow but also profiles recommended to them by Snapchat algorithm.


The data available in Snapchat Creator Analytics

As part of the company's effort to help creators build their presence on the Discover page, Snapchat is now sharing new data and insights that give creators insights into who their followers are, what their best-performing content is and what their reach is. Snapchat Creator Analytics are accessible through Snapchat profile screen and are available to Official Story account holders and creators who have a large following on Snapchat - although Snapchat has not disclosed how many followers one should have in order to be granted access to Snapchat Creator Analytics.

The data available in Snapchat Creator Analytics includes:

  • Total Story Views: which shows total views on their Stories in the past week, month and year to date.
  • Time Spent Viewing Stories: which shows the total time in minutes that Snapchatters spent watching their Stories in the past week, in the past month, and year to date.
  • Daily Reach and Engagement metrics: which shows the number of unique story viewers, the average time unique viewers spent watching, and the completion rates each day of the week.
  • Audience demographics: including gender breakdown of their audience and the top age bracket among their viewers.
  • Additional information about the audience’s interests: in addition to the information above, creators will also be able to get more information about their viewers’ interests across key lifestyle categories (such as film and TV, travel, food, fashion, sports) and the top geographic regions where their audience is located.


Will Snapchat lure the creators back to the platform?

Snapchat reportedly developed the analytics following the feedback from the creators in terms of what metrics would be most valuable to them. The company has also hinted future monetization opportunities for creators and made it clear that the relationships with creators are important to them.

Snapchat Creator Analytics launch makes a strong case for the creators who started dropping out from the platform.

If you need some pointers and inspiration on whom to follow on Snapchat, check out these 5 creative people whose Snaps will make your jaw drop.


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